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The Pig Speaks

I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm going mad. Nothing definite mind you, but the merest tickling at the back of my brain.

Well, anyway, it must be Spring here in jolly ole' Calgary. The snow is falling down outside my window and the grass grows green beneath it. Despite the protestations of Winter, Spring and Summer are coming to take its place for but a little while. Still, I don't mind the weather here in Calgary that much. The Summers seem short but are quite beautiful in their own way.

April is crunch time and I'm starting to feel the slow burnout that comes with the end of the semester. With the added complications of finding a part-time job, summer school, and moving out, I've got my plate full. And the only thing to suffer is this manga. More than once have I wished to fling it out a window and be done with it. But then, I would repeating the same pattern I always play whenever I engage a piece of work. So, in spite of myself I press on, brimming full with love and hatred for Haven, knowing full well that, yes! there must be a decent story somewhere buried inside me.

Ah well, that's enough melodrama. I'll stop now. Take it easy, everybody.

The Chronicles of Haven Series © 2002 Mike Poon