The Cast

The Crew
Mike Poon

Who is this person who draws and writes this comic? In pursuit of becoming a productive member of society I have become an English/
Communication Major at the University of Calgary. The person stooped like a gargoyle over a sketchbook is me. I'm a little twitchy and weird but that's just how it is.

Jon and Carina

Jon is technically my manager. Well, by "managing" you mean, rummaging through my sketchbook, listening to me rant about story ideas and angsting over small problems, then yes...he's my manager.

Carina is Jon's better half, and is my advisor for all things girlie. She insists that I draw breasts properly (well, as properly as can be allowed for the fantasy genre) because manga artists have a tendency to ... attach them strangely. Think: balloons taped to a wall. So anyway, if it has to do with Victorian fashion, women's underwear, and the devilish intricacies of hair styles, she's the woman I can go to.